Beaches Kuta, South-Lombok

Selong belanak

Lombok sits to the east of Bali, the coastline of Lombok meets the Indian Ocean, which makes this coastline spectacular in it's rugged beauty. With its many bays accommodating various swell angles an prevailing wind, it is possible to find good waves most days all year round. The waves are mostly reef breaks and are greatly influenced, by the tides. The waves range from fun and full to fast and furious, with spots for all levels, from beginners to experienced.

If you would like to be shown around by a local surf instructor, contact Ayas. More info.

Mawun Beach

Tanjung Aan

Kuta Beach

Selong Belanak


Are Goling


Ekas Bay

Bangko-Bangko or Desert Point

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Mawun Beach

From Kimensurf towards west and over the hill you pass Cafe Ashtari, the great viewpoint with a gorgeous view over the bay of Kuta-Lombok. Following the road leads you to the bay of Mawun where a big tree invites to stay an have a picnic. Here the fresh milk of young coconuts is also offered.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Tanjung Aan

The bay of Tanjung Aan is located about 5 km to the east of Kuta-Lombok. You can get there by motorbike and by Ojek (motorbike taxi). The fine white sandy beach is an amazing place to relax body and soul. On the western part of the bay the delicious and refreshing milk of young coconuts is offered. The bay of Tanjung Aan is a proper spot for beginners with surfing.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Kuta Beach

Across from Surfers Inn, Segare Anak, Sekar Kuning, Anda and Puri Rinjani Kuta Beach is located. It's a nice beach for having a swim, for seeking shells, for watching the fishermen and to enjoy the sunrise. The fine sand of Kuta Beach is a nice occasion for a relaxing walk in the evening as well.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Selong Belanak

Farther to the west of Mawun the long white fine sandy beach of Selong Belanak is located. I think I do not really have to comment the pictures, do I? Just go there and enjoy is recommended. Basically all the beaches around Kuta-Lombok appear as empty as shown on the pictures weekdays.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok


This huge bay is about 7 km east Kuta. The bay itself is home to five different spots which work on various tide, wind and swell combinations. Basically you can always get a wave at Gerupuk. All waves can only be accessed by boat.

Inside Gerupuk: or Bumbang Bay, is a right-hander over a flat reef. It is suitable for all levels and has fun waves, with a long wall and a forgiving lip. On big days with a Southwest swell it can be a great spot to surf. This break is surfable at any seasons and can handle any wind, even the tradewind, as it is protected by the sourrounding hills. Best on an incoming tide and can hold 10ft solid.

Outside Gerupuk: or Gili Golong. A right-hander that is good at mid to high tide, better take your booties at low. Multiple peaks outside offer big drops on takeoff bending into a hollow and fast inside section. Can hold 8-10ft but is best at 4-6ft, from October to April.

Don-Don: The furthest break inside the bay and as a result needs a bigger swell to break. Don Don is a perfect A-frame peak walling and bending both left and right. For all level of surfers. Can be good in any season as long as the winds are light. Works on any tide, with out going tide the best time.

Kid's Point: or Pelawangan, is another right-hander, only breaks on the biggest days, but when it works, its barrel city. Best on an incoming tide.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Are Goling

A right hand reef break located on the west side of Kuta. Access by boat and land is possible. This break is one of the best right hander on the South Coast. Mid to low tides can see the inside section doubling up and barreling. A left hander on the other side of the bay is surfable, though only when its small. Need a north-west wind, most common from October to April. Are Goling can hold 8-10ft when perfect, but is best at 4-6ft.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok


Located 20 mins west of Kuta. On small days this reef break offers a nice peak with short hollow rights and lefts. At 6ft plus, Mawi transforms into a heavy left barrel, with elevator drops and heavy hold downs. At 8-10ft it’s not a spot for the faint hearted. Best on mid tides and a south east trade wind, from May to September. Mawi can hold any size you're prepared to surf, just bring your balls!

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Ekas Bay

Located to the east of Kuta and takes about 30 minutes by car to Awang and then another 20 mins by boat across the bay. Ekas is home to two spots.

Outside Ekas: is a left hander that starts working over 5ft and holds up to 10ft. The wave offers huge drops, acres of open face to carve and a ton of power to spare. Best on mid to high tides and a south east wind.
Inside Ekas: Located further inside the bay from Outside Ekas. A fun, walling peak, that can handle real size. Needs a big swell and south east winds, but on it day can offer very long rides and barrels on the inside of the right. Low tides for the right, higher tides for the left and holds 12ft plus.

Maharani Bungalow - Selong Belanak - Kuta Lombok

Bangko-Bangko or Desert Point

Located on the west coast of Lombok, 3 hours drive from Kuta. On its day Desert Point is regarded as one of the best waves on the planet. Barrels of 20 seconds have been filmed there and 10 second tubes are common. Full or new moon low tides, a south east wind and a big swell are needed, most consistent from May to October. It can go weeks without waves, but just one Desert Point bomb will make the wait worth it. Experienced surfer only. Bring your booties an a good tuberiding board.